
“You are good enough.” My mom said this to me a few months ago when we talked about some of my personal issues. I was always trying to make others like me, but that didn’t make me happy at all. I wanted to show the world the best version of myself, and I felt pressured whenever things I created did not receive positive feedback. I wasn’t sure if I was good enough and I wasn’t confident. But since that day, the saying “you are good enough” always appears in my mind whenever I feel down.

I have slowly realized that I’m not living to make others like me. I’m not living for everyone to accept me and most importantly, I’m not living for others. I am living for MYSELF. As long as I’m happy, as long as I’m proud of what I’m doing and as long as I’m not hurting the people around me, I need to give a try and do my best, even if it might not work.

Art & Workshops

Since the day I was born, I enjoyed doing arts and crafts. I enjoyed drawing and selling things that I made. I took weekend art classes and learned how to paint on canvas, but sadly I stopped due to personal reasons. No matter where I go, I will always bring a pencil and a notepad with me and quickly draw beautiful things that I see.

My biggest inspiration came from the day when I conducted my first workshop with a group of refugees. Throughout the whole lesson, they were fully immersed in the class. It made me very happy to see their smiling faces during the class. I really enjoy teaching others, and I would like to teach more classes in the future. At the same time, I would like to earn some money for myself to buy art materials.


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